22 MARCH 1957, Page 16


SIR,—Amid all the troubles that afflict the nation it is most kind of Pharos to spare me a word of sympathy in my supposed embarrassment from the complaints of Mr. Randolph Churchill. But Pharos is misinformed. Mr. Churchill has not reported to the Press'Council the refusal of the Yorkshire Post and • Birmingham Past to accept an advertisement of his latest book. I should lose no sleep if he did. Ever since I became a member of the Press Council there have been frequent threats by aggrieved public men to report me to that authority. Doubtless they hoped CO see a favourite scene in folk-lore, the biter bit or the petardier hoist with his own petard. But if it is the fate of a newspaper I serve to come before the Press Council I naturally avoid the embarrassment of a dual capacity by stepping aside and leaving judgement to the other members.—Yours faithfully,

'Yorkshire Post' Offices, Leeds I


[This letter is referred to in 'A Spectator's Note- book.'—Editor, Spectator.]