ACROSS 1 Supply too many actors in a shady manner? (8) 5 Thanks, but not a lot in the old kingdom (6) 9 Department sought by a knight in armour on a shopping spree? (8) 10 Exclude the revolutionary, even though im- prisoned (6).
12 'Give me my — shell of quiet' (Raleigh) (7).
13 It's all on the surface (7).
14 Does its user get pink abuse through this? (8, 4) 17 They demonstrate how one ring leads to another
(7, 5).
22 The monkey's lost his penny, so can't get fruit! (7) 23 Inflated cushion, perhaps (3, 4).
24 What not to take into the shallow end (6).
25 Their companions in the lists are the goods! (8) 26 A bit of science leads to a nice mix-up (6).
27 Preface your promile with a little publicity, my boy (8). DOWN 1 The snake's in work with his thousand (6).
2 Dad goes up to meet his lordship for a tip (6).
3 Floral decoration in the byre (7).
4 Gymnastic feat of the underground movement (5, 7)- 6 Given a penny for escaping (7).
7 One of `loath41 Melancholy's' progenitors (8).
8 Swede ran into a Biblical scholar (8).
11 Like one waiting for the decree to be made absolute (4-8).
15 Changes in hair styles (8).
16 Drink for a mare at auction (5, 3).
18 Benjamin also has lost his penny! (7) 19 See the otter turns up (7).
20 Not laid by one who is no better (6).
21 Let up before the issue in a crustacean (6).
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a hook token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on April 2 and addressed: Crossword No. 932. 99 Gower St., London, WCI.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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IM,,i‘• • • • 2° Solution on Apr'l 5 Solution to No. 930 on page 391 The winners of Crossword No, 930 are: Mits. P. R. PArnsoN, Sunnier Plal, liaywards Heath, Sussex, and Mas. E. V. SARIGIIT, Fern Cottage, Bratton. Wilts.