A Chance to Act
fret the extradition agreement for the re-
turn of political offenders between South Africa and the Central African Federation, the South African Government must now be ex- Pected to press rather harder for a similar agree- ment with the three British High Commission Territories of Bechuanaland, Swaziland and Basutoland. Negotiations for this have been going on for some time and it is clear that for criminal offenders some sort of extradition agree- ment ought to be reached. The British Govern- ment should resist very strongly attempts to extend the agreement any farther than this. In doing so the Government will at last be mak- ing some positive gesture to show which side in Africa it is on. But it should act quickly, for there is no doubt that the focus of attention in Africa is rapidly moving South and on the British attitude to the High Commission Terri- tories much will depend.