Simple remedy
Sir: I am glad Craig Goldsack, chairman of the Department of Anaesthesia, University College Hospital, has such faith in the complaints system of the Healthcare Commission (Letters, 15 March). Those of us who have had cause to complain would cheer Lord Mancroft and Taki to the echo.
I complained to the Commission about the care of a close relative and received a letter with condolences on the death of my loved one (who was still — thankfully — very much alive.) It took 12 months for the Commission to review the complaint, which seems an inordinate amount of time given the review of my complaint was a desk review — no visits, no interviews, no opportunity for me to comment on the response of the staff of the Trust about whom I had complained.
Sorry Mr Goldsack — we need the help of people like Taki and Lord Mancroft to speak up for those who get poor care and treatment from the NHS. Certainly in my profession as a vicar I come across many people who have had excellent care, but when the system fails, and fails badly, someone needs to take note. Frequently, the remedy is simple, and is about staff attitude and care rather than costly resource issues.
Revd Peter C. Bellenes
Marldon, Devon