Q. I am dreading Easter as my children are always
given so many eggs by their various godparents and grandparents. This is to say nothing of those they bring home from hunts. I consider it terribly bad for them to eat so much chocolate but since each egg has been effectively endorsed by the grownup or Easter Bunny who supplied it, I don’t know how to manage this dilemma. What should I do?
A.B., London W8 A. There is not much that can be done at this late stage, but you could prepare for next Easter by putting aside some of this year’s eggs so that they will be well and truly past their sell-by date and fairly disgusting (though harmless) to eat by Easter 2009, when you can release them to your children before the other egg mountains start arriving. They will act as sickeners to pre-empt them gorging and will help them to decide that Easter Eggs are often not as nice as they look.