On the 9th March, at Victoria Church, Vancouver's Island, Alexander Grant Dallas, Esq., to Jane, second daughter of his Excellency James Douglas. Governor of Vancouver's Island.
On the 4th May, at St. Anne's Church, Dublin. James William FitzGerald But- ler, Esq., eldest son of the Hon. James Butler, of Lamberton Park, to Adab, youngest daughter of the late Lawrence Gwynne, Esq., LL.D., of Cambrian, Teign- mouth, Devon.
On the 120, at the British Embassy, Turin, the Rev. J. B. Goldberg, missionary of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, to Bliss Isa- bella Buncombe, fourth daughter of the late Slingsby Buncombe, Esq.
On the 13th, at St. Saviour's Church, Jersey, by the Very Reverend the Dean, Captain Henry D. Rogers, C.B., Royal Navy, to Sarah Anne, eldest daughter of Commissary-General Sir George Maclean, K.C.B. On the 17th, at the Church of Our Lady, St. John's Wood, Roger Linford, Esq., of Liverpool, to Isabella, daughter of the late Robert Spankie, Esq., one of her Majesty's Sergeants-at-law. On the 18th, at St. Michael's Church, Chester Square, John Wallis Alexander, Esq., son of Sir Robert Alexander, Bart., to Lady Lapel Charlotte Phipps, daughter of the late Earl of Mulgrave, and sister of the Marquis of Norraanby. On the 18th, at George's, Tombland, Norwich, Charles Foster, Esq., second son of Sir William Foster, Bart., to Charlotte Willis, daughter of the late Captain T. G. Willis, R.N., and niece of the late Anthony Hudson, Esq. On the 19th, at Fawley, Hants, the Rev. Henry Robinson Heywood, fifth son of Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart., of Claremont, near Manchester, to Ella Sophia, eldest daughter of the Rev. William Gibson, Rector of Feeley.