22 MAY 1897, Page 26


Adcock (A. St. J.), East-End Idylls, or 8vo (Bowden) 3,6 America & the Americana, f: om a French Point of View, cr 8vo (Heinemann) 3:6 Bainton (J.), The Congregational Handbook, cr 8vo (Congregational Union) 2/0 Baker (H. F.), An Introduction to Abel's Theorem (Camb. Univ. Press) 25/0 Barrett (G. 8.), The Earliest Christian Hymn, 18mo (J. Clarke) 2/6 Bateman (G. 0.). The Vivarium, or Sao (L. U. Gill) 7/6 Bates (F. B.), Between the Lights, cr 8vo (Burnet) 3/6 Besant (W.), A Fountain Sealed, or Svo (Chatto A Windus) 6/0 Bigham (0.), A Ride through Western Asia, 8vo (Macmillan) 8,6 Blows (S.), Elements of Psychology, cr 8vo ...(City of London Book Depot) 2/0 Boddy (A.), Christ in His Holy Land, cr 8vo (S.P.C.K.) 4/0 Boore (E.), Wrekin Sketches, or Svo (Stook) 7/6 Bradford (A. H.), The Growing Revelation, cr Svo (J. Clarke) 5/0 Bryan (G. H.), and Another, First Stage Mechanics of Flints, cr 8vo (Clive) 2/0 Buxton (H. J. W.), and Others, Harvest and Flower Festival Sermons,

or 8vo (Skeffingtou) 2/6 Christian (G. A.), and Another, A New Arithmetic: Theoretical and

Practical, or Pro (A. M. Holden) 4/6

Conway (W. M.), The First Crossing of Spitsbergen, 4to (Dent) 30/0

Deland (Margaret), The Wisdom of Fools, cr 8vo (Longman) 5/0 Doudney (S.), Pilgrims of the Night, cr 8vo (Partridge) 510 Egerton (G.), Symphonies, cr 8vo (Lane) 4/6 Ford (P. L.), The True George Washington, cr 8vo (Lippincott) 7/6 Fuller (M.), Life and Writings of John Davenant. 8vo (Methuen) 10.6 Furniss (H.), Pen and Pencil' in Parliament, imp 8vo (S. Low) 5'0 Gibbs (H.), A Long Probation, or 8vo (Burns A Oates) 610 Godfrey (H.), The Rejuvenation of Miss Semaphore, cr 8vo (Jerrold) 3,6 Gribble (F.), Only an Angel, cr 8vo ammo 2/0 Harvey (W.), The Harp of Stirlingshire, or 8vo (Houlston) 7/6 Hay (J.), Castilian Days, cr 8vo (Lane) 4/6 Hay (J.), Poems. cr 8vo (Lane) 4/6 Bigginaon (T. W.). The Procession of the Flowers, cr 8vo (Longmans) 5/0 Horonng (11. W.), My Lord Duke, cr Svo (Cassell) 6/0 Hurst (J. H,), Stephen Lescombe, cr 8vo (Putnam) 5/0 Jephson (A. J. M.), The Story of a Billiard Ball, 4to (Saxon) 2/6 Jerome (J. K.), Sketches in Lavender, or 8vo (Longmans) 6/0 Jorrocka Birthday Book (The), 18mo (Simpkin) 3/0

Kaye (L.), A Drawing-room Cynic, cr 8vo (Macqueen) 6/0

King (C.), Trials of a Staff Officer, cr Svo (Lippincott) 3/6 Haight (O.), The Winds of March, cr 8vo (Jarrold) 6/0 Lee (0.), The Widow Woman, 12mo (Bowden) 2/0 Louis (A. B.), Mallertnn, or Svo (Bliss) 6/0 Lynch (H.), An Odd Experiment, cr 8vo (Methuen) 3/6 Mackay (G. d.), Where the Heather Grows, cr Svo (A. Gardner) 2/6

Macnamara (L S. Blind Larry, cr Svo (Jarrold) 3/6 Magus (W.), The Fall of a Star. cr 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0

Mahaffy (J. P.), A Survey of Greek Civilisation, or 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0 Mason (A. J.), The Mission of St. Augustine to England ...(Camb. U. Press) 5/0 Mason (A. E. M.), The Philanderers, cr Svo (Macmillan) 6/0 Meade (L. T.). The Way of a Woman, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 6/0

Merrick (L.), One Mans View, cr 8vo (Richards) 3/6

Montego (I.), Impossibilities, roy 16mo (Henry) 4/0 Moore (T.), Beginnings of the English Church, Ac., cr 8vo (SkettIngton) 5/0 Munro (11.4 Prehistoric Problems, 8vo (Blackwood) 10/0

Nervo (M. le Baron de), Isabella. the Catholic Queen of Spain (Smith & Elder) 12/6

Nineteenth Century Miracle (A), by Z. Z., or 8vo (Chatto a Windus) 3/6 Octogenarian Teetotalers, 8vo (National Temp. League) 2/6 Odgers (W. B.), An Outline of the Law of Libel 12mo (Macmillan 3/6 Ogler (W.), Lectures on Angina Pectoris, Svo (Pentland 6/0

Pearl* (M. G.), "Come, Break Your Fast," cr 8vo (Partridge) 3/6

Pictorial England and Wales, 4to (Cassell) 9/0 Plumer (IL), An Irregular Corps in Matabeleland, cr 8vo (K. Paul) 9/0 Reads (O.), Broken Threads, or 8vo (Hurst & Blaokett) 6/0 Bees (E.), The Chronicles of Christopher Bates, or 8vo (Roxbnrghe Press) 3/6 Robins (G. M.) The Silence Broken, or 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) 2/0 Rose (N. J.), Lawns and Gardens, imp 8vo (Putnam) 15/0 Russell (B.), The Foundations of Geometry, Svo ((jamb. Univ. Press) 7/6 Scully (W. 0.), The White Hecatomb, cr 8vo (Methuen) 6/0 Sinclair (M.), Audrey Craven, or Svo (Blackwood) 6/0 Sommerville (M.), Siam on the lleinam, 8vo (S. Low) 14/0 pring-Time, edited by C. Peters. 4to (R.T.8.) 7/6 Thom on ilf.), New Poems or 8vo (Constable) 6/0 Two Brothers: a Novel, by A. 0. M., cr 8vo (A. Gardner) 2/6 Tyler (M. C.), Literary History of American Revolution, 1763-83. Vol. L, 8vo (Putnam) 12/6 Walkey (S.), Rogues of the Fiery CMS!, or Svo (Orwell) 50 Walrond (H.), Historical Records of the let Devon Militia, tiro (Loogmans) 42.0 Watson (I). C.), Diseases of the Eye, 12mo (Simpkins 4/6 Woodbury J. 0.), Echoes, imp 8vo (Putnam) 12/6

Woods (K. P.), John: a Tale of King Messiah, or 8vo (Partridge) 2/6