A meeting was held on Friday afternoon at the Caxton
Hall. to inaugurate the True Temperance Association. The aims of this body are set forth in a letter signed by Lord Halsbury, Mr. C. A. Grippe, K.C., Lord Plymouth, Mr. J. F. Hope, M.P., and Sir William H. Bennett, F.R.C.S. The signatories point out that while drunkenness is steadily diminishing, it is still widely prevalent ; and as it is in most cases the result of bad housing, extreme poverty, and lack of amusements and interests in life, a very real way of promoting temperance is to induce the average man, when he wishes for alcoholic beverage, to have it in circumstances will& will discourage excess. We are in full sympathy with this movement, but confess to a certain surprise at not finding any recognition of the admirable and most successful work on similar linos already accomplished: by' the People's Refreshment-House Association.