Regional Controllers of Production
Before Mr. Oliver Lyttelton became Minister of Production was strongly urged by industrialists that there should be mo decentralisation of the supply services and more use made of practical experience of managers in every locality. It was felt th the expert local knowledge of men engaged in each sphere of pr duction ought to be all the time at the disposal of the supp services, so that small as well as large factories could work to capact and orders be efficiently distributed. Mr. Lyttelton announced Tuesday that the Government accepts the main recommendations the Citrine Committee on Regional lhards, which have just b-en pu lished. The Committee endorses the view that an efficient region organisation is essential to the effective prosecution of the war. Ea region, under the scheme, will have a Regional Board, and a Region Controller who will be a full-time representative of the Minis of Production. Below the Regional Board will be district co mittees with district offices, which will maintain up-to-date inform tion about the current load or local productive capacity ;• grouping of firms will be promoted to achieve balanced This is on the right lines, and should tend to combine the use local trade knowledge with authoritative direction from alvy Much, it need hardly be said, will depend on the drive impan by the Regional Controllers and determination to cut out r, tape. Mr. Lyttelton is to be congratulated on reaching this 'at decision so quickly, and it is to be hoped it will as quickly be into effect.