Translation is a difficult art, and some foreign words, it
is as to recognise, refuse to stand an alien environment at all. I been reading Philip Barres' book on General de Gaulle, of u both French and English editions have been published this w Barres tells how at the end of 1933 he asked Paul Reynaud a
this unknown colonel, wIlom so many people seemed to have he of in Germany, and no one had heard of in France. " Vous connaissez pas de Gaulle?" said the future Prime Minister, menu ing that the French soldier had been cited by the German Ge
Guderian in his book on tanks, Achtung-Panzer. "De G C'est un gaillard qui peut sauver la France." Gaillard is problem. The English version "De Gaulle? He's the boy
can save France" hardly seems to get its Perhaps "the sport in its slightly slang sense ; or "the lad." * * * *