An Empire War Memorial
SIR,—Many people have never realised that in the Battle of Britain twenty-five per cent. of the fighter pilots were Empire volunteers, nr that 5,000 out of the 20,000 Australians who served in the air cre''g here lost their lives; for every three United Kingdom casualties, the Dominions and Colonies suffered two.
There is no Memorial in this country to the memory of all the rac: and women of every creed and race in the Commonwealth and Einf"ifi overseas who, in the two World Wars, gave their lives in the comnlad cause. It is therefore proposed to dedicate the new High Altar 011,, Baldachino, which are being built in St. Paul's Cathedral, as a" Empire War Memorial. The amount needed for this project is £20,000, the balance of ("I cost being made up by the Cathedral authorities, and it is hoped thni it will come from as many contributors as possible in order that 011 Memorial may be a truly national tribute. It is the gesture 02 counts and neither names nor amounts will be publicised. Contributions may be sent to The Empire War Memorial. Fund' c/o Lloyd's Bank Ltd., 'St. James's Street, London, S.W.1.—Your