Fighting Hares
Hares in March will fight their shadows. 1 am convinced of III although I have never seen them set about any but their own 10°, and that in a somewhat half-hearted way. A few weeks ago0,3: given an account of a hare that fought a large black cat. 1 thong' it a most extraordinary story and wrote to my correspondent I° assure myself about witnesses of the battles. Now I have received a second account of a hare's pugnacious behaviour. This one NO an old English gamecock in the presence of three onlookers. is'I19 Janet Salmon of Widford, Ware, says that the hare sat up bol the gamecock, and the cock went for the hare in the approved gameco style. . The fight lasted ten minutes and ended with honours eve°. The incident took place at Shipton in Yorkshire many years ag°' I am sure that even the creator of Alice would have rubbed his 0Y1, at the sight, and what a news picture it would have made