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Ian■ IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct JO/ unon opened after noon on Tuesday week, June 2nd, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must he received not later than first post root day and must hear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d, stamp. Solutions r"Sr be on the form below, and none can be accepted front the U.S.A. The "turion and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.
30, 11,
19, 19. 21, 23. 26.
No liquor shortage here, but it couldn't apply to a cap. (7.)
2. Sweet old capital. (5.)
3. A brief romance. (9.)
4. " But yet the - of it, laao I " (Shakespeare.) (4.) S. Displaced by the tank today. (8.) 1.
What to offer when cook asks for a rise 7 (6, 6.) He works not by fits but starts. (9.)
Suitable for playing the Water Music. 14.
(5.) 16.
Seasonable Insect of dubious acro- 17-
dynamic dependability. (6.) 18.
Fell coil. (Anag.) (8.) 20.
Nobody objects to this take-off. (6.) 22. Rees gets confused about an Oriental language. (8.)
One's upset after something very 25. bitter. (8.)
Excite so that one almost puts one's foot In lt. (4, 2.)
This arboreal specimen In the garden should save watering. (8.) Historic Incident where un old ex- pletive splits the air. (6.)
" Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred -." (Byron.) (5.)
I am a fruit which went first richly decorated. (9.)
Following suit most intimately. (5, 2, 5.) 24.
Nero went all is pieces at fifty. (S.) Stare up for a chemist. (7.)
A great Meredithian joins the mixed choir. (8.) Beautiful French Lisle. (4, 4.) Manuscript much sought after. (9.) Fireiron doesn't look to good. (8.) A decorative bribe. (7.) A marriage portion in fairyland. (7.) Walpole said Shakespeare wanted it. (5.) A much mouthed letter. (5.) Place where peaks go the wrong way. (4.)