Money in boats
I found it a trifle disturbing to read that Mr Heath regards his £22,000 toy 'Morning Cloud in' as` 'a bloody good investment'. Knovving plenty of people with boats, and harbouring myself a greedy desire for one. t have frequently discussed the costs of the Pleasure of sailing with expert witnesses. None has ever suggested to me that a boat WOLlid make a good investment. That boats are beautiful, health-giving, exciting, recrea-
tional playthings T will gladly allow. That the Prime Minister has demonstrated himself to be a most able competitive racing sailor I will cheerfully assert. That his boat is a very suitable object for him to spend his money on and to relax with I would never ques- tion.
If Mr Heath thinks a boat is a bloody. good investment, it is not surprising that he also thinks that joining the Common Market will be a bloody good thing too.