Crossword 558
1 8 A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution Opened on 7 June. Entries to: Crossword 558, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.
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26 27 28 33 W 39
2 Si, Au ions to starred clues require encoding (in simple substitution code using all letters of the alphabet) before insertion in diagram. 1- nclued lights are of a kind with an encoded one. All are in Chambers. Two other lights are of two words and at least three are usually hyphened.
Name ..........................................
Address 16
32 ACROSS I Promote Mason's family 8 *Ill-defined contraction mark in member (13) a fence (4) 10 Worn out group of foreigners such as Caesar's Gaul (10)
12 See 3D (4) 14 *Drink's a snag and a snare (6) 20 Detail from 10A & 30A (7)
21 Porter left page befuddled with drink (7) 23 *Railed free on return (7) 24 *Skip Central Africa, perhaps (5) 25 *Fresh couch-grass (5) 27 Clothes-horse, say, in vogue on railway (7) 30 Mean a railway's initial outlay? 32 Now w without, near Bury (7) 36 *Adult strut (5) 38 Getting back up in strain of Scots growth (6) 40 End-of-season insect (10) 41 *Runs out the old operator (4) 42 Inure in field-glasses for camp- followers (13) DOWN in different
1 *Lies concealed directions (5)
2 Bluestocking people (5)
3 No time for Nanette when upset about 12A (6)
4 *Neat one Thomas Carlyle originally described as noxious (5) 5 Nuke's clear intent (7) 6 Goethe's one gipsy part's unique (6) 7 State sweater girl's often in (9) 9 The end fifth holds the world to be interchangeable (10) 11 Seduction in father's frosty look? (6) 13 One alternative All Fools' Day comprehended theoretically (7) 15 Less sensitive Queen's Counsel — no one who counts! (8) 18 Shrubs having points visit one another, apparently (10) 19 Humiliating experience of rat caught in soft trap (8) 21 Beaconsfield's pop sound goes on ahead? It has one reeling! (9) 22 In argot, is bacchanal (7) 26 Exciting unknown sprog in Bridgend (7) 28 A refuse collector's without aspiration? Like Hell! (6) 29 Clear up river holding (6) 31 Island state — its's a double-first (6) 33 *Drunken beast Ate embraced (5) 34 Skier upset given American pill (5) 35 Misses afternoon helps (5)