We understand, that a report from the Committee who have
been for nearly four years gratuitously discharging the difficult and dis- criminating duty of applying the benevolent subscriptions for the helpless and destitute exiles from Spain and Italy, will be laid be- fore the meeting of the inhabitants of London, to be held on Tues- day. The number of claimants is stated to be greatly reduced ; but the funds are exhausted. We are firmly persuaded, that a larger combination of grounds for a claim on the charitable, never was presented in the civilized world. Cast out from their own country —denied access to any but our hospitable shores—cut off by poli- tical circumstances from the compassionate liberality that such unfortunate outcasts would otherwise have received from the Governors of the land—there is but the charity of individuals to in- terpose between them and those appalling miseries which it were impossible for human beings to witness and not instinctively re- move. There cannot be a doubt that an adequate fund will be readily subscribed to complete the good work, which up to the pre- sent time at least, has, though with difficulty, not been left undone.