possesion of late and important shipping intelligence from all': Our expectations from the change of wind last week have been fully realized, parts of India. The arrivals from England are everywhere numerous and freight continues generally very scarce. When we stated some weeks ago that cargoes, could with difficulty be obtained at Bombay at 30s. per ton, we entertained the hope. that the distress of the shipowners had attained its climax, but the quotations cow, current are, lbs. to 20s. per ton, and we have been credibly informed that goods lot, England have even been shipped at 10s. There were by the last advices seventeen, free traders and nine country ships in the harbour. On the Eastern coast of Hindos-. tan the quotations are 31. 5s. to 31. I5s, for dead weight, and 41. to 61 for light goods_ —the latter very scarce. At Singapore 3/. 10s. to 41. 10s. and at Batavia, 31.16s. to 41..
The following is a statement of tonnage in the Hooghley oil the 3rd of July :— 7 Company's Ships, together - 9,579 Tons. 17 Free traders, for England - 6,83o - 1,392 4 Loading for China - 18 Coasters - - - 6,084 14 For Sale or Freight - - 3,183 569 2 American 564 2 French 1 Arabian SO 65 28,286 exclusive of four Company's survey v,essels whose tonnage is not stated.
Our lists from Bombay are not yet complete, the letters by several of imestilwnp rived not having been delivered. Arrived. Off Margate Nov. 20th Rising Star, Gillies, from Bombay, sailed July 26th. In the Downs, Nov. 18th, Ilindostan, Rimner, from Singapore, sailed June 220. Off Portsmouth, Nov. 17, Candian, Reed, from Bengal, July 90). 19th Cal fete Hawkins, from Van Dieman's Land, July 4th. 20th, Annandale, Steel, from Bom- bay, July 18th. Off Plymouth, Nov. 18th, General Palmer, Truscott, from Madras, July 21st. Off Penzance, Nov. 18th, Recovery, Patterson, from Bombay, July 16th. At Liverpool, Nov. 17th,Bolivar, Winder, from Bombay, July 2nd. At Marseilles, Nov. 10th, Bengal, Kinsman, from Sumatra. At St. Helena, Sept. 27th, John, Moncrieff, from Batavia. 28th, Louisa, Mackie, from Bengal. Oct. 3rd1 Flureatia, Billets trent liatavia. At the Cape, Aug, 17t14 Romeo, Whichelo, and
23rd, Triumph, Green, both front London. 26th Duke of Bedford, Morris, from Bombay. At Ceylon, Symmetry, Smith, and Elizabeth, Grant, both from London. At Bombay. June 28th, Sarah, Chrystie. July Sid, Ceres, Warren ;
5th, Mary, Guy ; 20th, Lady Raffles, Tucker and Harlequin, 22nd, England, Reny. 23rd, Egyptian Lilburn and Thorne, Johnston ; and previous to July 26th, H. C. S. Marquis Camden, Larkins, all from London. At Madras, June 13, William, Young. 224, H. C. S. Macqueen, Walker. 24th, H. C. S. William Fairlie, Blair. 28th, Fame, Bullen. July 4th, H. C. S. Lord Lowther, Steward. 14th, Victory, Farquharson. 18th, Thames, Bugg, and Providence, all from London. At Calcatta, May 31, Governor Harcourt, Tullis, from London and Madras. June 7th, H. C. Ships, Earl Balearres, Broughton, and George 4th, Barrow, both from London. 8th, Euphrates, Bucaham, from London, Cork and Madras ; and Jane Haddow, Hamilton from Greenock. 9th, Madras, Beach, from London and Madras. 11th, Arabian, Wills. 16th, Othello, Thompson, and Madras, Christian, all from Liverpool ; and John Craig, Meldrum, from Bordeaux. 18th, Claudine, Flinn, and Lady Holland, Snell, both from London and Madras. 27th, H. C. S. General Harris, Stanton. July 2d, H. C. S. Thos. Coutts, Christie, both from London ; and 3d, H. M. S. Undaunted, Clifford, from Portsmouth, with Lord W. Bentinck and suite. At Singapore, June 16th, Reaper Rhind, from London. At Batavia, July 19th, Norma, Leggett, from London. At Van Dieman's Land, May 18th, Wanstead, Langdon, from Londun. 30th, Portland, Mood, from Leith. June 12th, Sarah, King, and 27th, Mermaid, Henniker, both from London; and 30th, Cleopatra, Young, front Dublin. At New South Wales, June 2d, Bencoolen. Mar- tin, from London and Van Dieman's Land.
Sailed.-From Gravesend, Nov. 16th, Georgians, Thompson, for New South Wates. 17th, Forth, Robertson, for Mauritius. 19th, Morning Star, Barker, for Madras, and 20th, Elizabeth, Collins, fur New South Wales. From Liverpool, Nov. 18th, Spartan, Eves, for Bengal. Spoken.-Hedleys, from London to Mauritius, 16th Sept. 37 south, 20 east. Se- sostris, London to Bombay, 15th Oct. 6 north, 20 west. Mary, of Leith, from Marseilles to Mauritius, 211th Sept. 7 south, 17 west. Amethyst, London to Ben- gal, 31st Oct.40 north, 13 west. Deccan, from Sumatra to London, 21st July, 17 south, 77 east. BeIzoni, Talbert, London to Madras, 2-3th Aug. 35 south, 23 east. Columbine, Brown, Cape to London, 5th Sept. 33 south, 15 east.
The Packet, McArthur, from Calcutta to Greenock, has put back to the former port, having been ashore in the Hooghley. The Mary, Bamber, bound to London, put back to Calcutta 8th July very leaky. The H. C. S. Macqueen, Walker, front Loudon to Madras and China, encoun- tered a severe hurricane on the 16th May, about lat. 36 south, long. 16 east, during which she was struck by lightning, which shivered the maintopmast and wounded the mainmast. About twenty of the crew were stunned by the shock, hut none of them were dangerously hurt. The Lcetitia, front Cork to New South Wales, was totally wrecked at St. Jago on the 19th August, crew and passengers saved.
SATU It D tV, o'Cr.ocK. ,Arrived.-Off Margate, Nov. 21st, Columbine, Brown, from the Cape. At the Cape, Aug. 6th, Isabella, Fox. 8th, Harriett, Pahner. 9th, Bride, Brown, and 10th, Roxburgh Castle, Denny, all from London.
The Bride, Brown, had been driven ashore at the Cape, but got off without much damage. Also at the Cape, the Lord Hungerford, Heathorn, Abberton, Percival, and Bar- bara, all front London.