22 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 14


Tuesday, Nov. 18.


C. Barry and R. Jackson, Jerinyn-street, Westminster, surgeons-W. Shaw, II. Shea, and J. L. Alexander, Limehonse, soap-makers-W. Davidson and R. Mitchell, Water-lane, Great Tower-street, ship-agents-T. and H. Kirkby, T. Grange, .1. Mot- ley, and C. Gill, Hollin-honse-mill, Yorkshire, ilax.spinnersa-T. and H. Kirkby, T. Grange, C. Gill, J. Motley, J. Meadley, and W. Kettiewell, Glass-house-mill, York- shire, tlax-spinners-S. Horton and T. Unsworth, Manchester, machine-makers-M. Archer and W. Musson, Harby..Leicestershire, coal-merchants-J. Smith and J. Wright, Manchester, drapers-G. Brown and W. A. K. Prentice, Heybridge, Essex, coal-merchants-T. Ager and E. Robinson, Leadenhall-street, hair-dressers-S. Vines and C. F. Adey, Stone-buildings, Lincoln's-inn-H. E. Jones and %V. Acton, Crown-street, Finsbury, billiard-table keepers.


Nov. 14-Jonathan Thompson, Great Quebec-street, Maryiebone, merchant. Nov. 15-Samuel Banister, Middle.row, Holborn, hosier.

Nov. 17-James Jacob, Trevethin, Monmouthshire, innkeeper. Nov. 18-Alexander Remington, Rugeley, Staffordshire, cabinet-maker. Alexander Gordon and James Johnston, Salford, common-brewers.


William Dennis, Emsworth, Hampshire, linen-draper, to surrender Nov. 28, Dec. 2; 30, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: atdiCitorrhlr. &jar, (iodliteeni. Skeet' Doctora'-commousi awl Somerset-house,

John Bissell, Tipton, Staffordshire, baker, Nov. 28, 29, Dec. 30, at the Union Ta- vern, Birmingham : solicitors; Messrs. Holme, Frampton, and Loftus, New-inn.

John Williams, Bristol, woollen-draper, Dec. 2, 5, 30, at the Bankrupts' Court, 13asinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Dashwood, Three Crown.square, Southwark. William Alexis Jarrin, New Bond-street, confectioner, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 30, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Hitchcock, Davies-street, Berke- ley-square.

George Boddington, Giltspur-street, vIctnaller, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 30, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Downs, FurnivaPs-inn, Holborn.

William Jones, Kidbrook, Kent, hay-dealer, Dec. 2, 5, 30, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitor, Mr. Alexander, Clement's- inn.

Howell Jones, Great Russell-street, Bermondsey, leather-dresser' Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 30, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, dewgate- street.

William Durham, Robert-street, Hoxton, merchant, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 30, at the Bankrupts' Court; Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Williams, Copthall-court, Throg- morton-street.

Rowland Green, Birmingham, hatter, Nov. 28, 29, Dec. 30, at the Union Tavern, Birmingham solicitors, Messrs. Holme, Frampton, and Loftus, New-inn.

John Newland, Liverpool, boot and shoe-maker, Dec. 5, 6, 30, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham : solicitors, Messrs. Tooke and Carr, Bedford-row.

Charles Lacy, Tottenham and Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, Nov. 21, Dec. 5, 30, at the Bgnkrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row.

John Turner, Hatherleigh, Devonshire, spirit-merchant, Dec. 9, 10, 30, at the White Bart Inn, Oakhampton : solicitor, Mr. Luxmore, Red Lion-square.

William Maley and Thomas Parker, Bath, builders, Nov. 28, 29, Dec. 30, at the White Lion Inn, Bath : solicitor, Mr. Jones, Crosby-square, Bishopsgate-street. William Shaw, Leicester, horse-dealer, Nov. 26, 27, Dec. 30, at the Three Crowns Inn, Leicester : solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Raymond's-buildings, Gray's.inn.

Thomas George Edgley, Essex-wharf, Strand, coal-merchant, Nov. 21, 25, Pee. 311, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Iloppe, Sun-court, Corithi II.

Richard Walls, Ponder's-end, Enfield, carpenter, Nov. 25. Dec. 2, 30, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Basinghall street: solicitor, Mr. WIlittington, Dean-street, Finsbury- square.

Robert Smith, Birmingham, victualler, Nov. 25, 29, Dec. 30, at the Union Tavern, Birmi ngliant : solicitors, Messrs. Holme, Frampton, and Loftus, New-inn.

Richard Young, otherwise Richard Salter Young, otherwise Richard Salter Young Blearing, Lawrence-Pountney-square, merchant, Nov. 25, Dee. 2, 30, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Basinghall-street : sol ei tors, Messrs. Jones and I to ward, ill incing.lane.

George Harker, Langthorp, Yorkshire, coal-merchant, Nov. 25, 29, Dee. 351, it the Crown lint, Boroughbridge: solicitors, Messrs. Dawson and Hawkins, Nets Bos- well-court, Carey-street.

Samuel Haden, jun. Worcester, scrirener, Dee- 5, 6, 30, at the Crown Inn, Wor- cester : solicitors, Messrs. Cardale, Buxton, and Newton, Gray's-inn.

John Hatch, Pershore, Woreestenchire, bag-mail tifacturer, Dec. 1,2, at the North- wick Arms Inn, Brugworth, Dec. 30, at the Crown Inn, Worcester: solicitor, Mr. Bodenhant, FurnWs-inn,

Thomas Busby, Greenstreet, Kent, grocer, Nov. 24, 25, Dee. 30, at the Guildhall, Canterbury : solicitor, Mr. Ronalds, King's Arias-yard, Coleman-street.

Charles Blackwell, Bedford-court, Covent-garden, cutler, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 30, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Sutcliffe and Birch, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars.

Edward Pintlar, Warwick, builder, Dec. ,I, 5, at the office of Mr. Charles Smith, Dec. 30, at the Swan Hotel, Warwick : solicitors, Messrs. Meyrick and Cox, Ited Lion-square.


Dec. 9, W. G. Cook, High-street, Shadwell, optician-Nov. 25, E. Taylor, Stone- house, Gloucestershire, clothier-Dee, 10, B. Corf, Liverpool, butcher--Dec. 11, J. Butterton, Draytou-in-Hales, Shropshire, money-scrivener-Dec. 9, S. Kingsford, Thames Ditto'', Surrey, miller-Dec. 9, 'I'. Bodenham, Commercial-road, grocer- Dec. 12, It. Catnplin, Goldsmith-street, silk-manufacturer-Dee. 9, J. II. Clewer, Botley, Hampshire, mid Regent-dock, Poplar, shipwright-Dec. 9, T. Rees, Shore- ditch, linendraper-Dec. 9 \V. Davies and A. Morris, Crawford-street, Marylebone, linendrapers-Dec. 13,3. Sherratt, Prescot, Lancashire, money-scrivener-Dec. 11, T. Peake, Drayton-in-Hales, Shropshire, niller-Dec. 2, .1. 'Connor, Wickwar, Glo- cestershire, tailor-Dec. 10, 5, Mead, Downton, Wiltshire, grocer-Dec. 11, T. Ains- worth, Blackburn, Lancashire, draper-Dec. I I, S. Bradly, Sandwich, Kent, brewer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Dec. 9.

G. Underhill, Eaton-Mascott, Shropshire, horse-dealer-J. Shepherd, Manchester, coach-maker-J. Wilks, sen. Burley, Yorkshire, flax-spinner-J. K. Smith, Farn- ham, Surrey. upholsterer-J. Thomson, jun. Swan-alley, Coleman-street, and For- rest-hill, Surrey, wine-merchant-T. J. Alderson, Chancery-lane, money-scrivener- G. Ballard, King-street, Cheapside, warehouseman.

Friday, Nov. 21.


R. Hetley and A. Claudet, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden, glass-warehousemen -AV. Richardson and E. Ireland, Cornhill, merchants-J., J. Will 11. Gardiner, Banbury, Oxfordshire, ironmongers-T. Robinson and J. Slack, Stockport, cotton spinners-AV. Noble and H. Gontle, Fleet-street, tiorists-J. Fearnsides, and S. Rouse, 13ratiford, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers-J. Hanson and W. Bower, Thornton cum Farmanby, Yorkshire, spirit-merchants-S. Parkes and J. Johnson, Oldbury, Shropshire, iron-founders-R., R. and F. Ashworth, Hollin, Lanca_shire, woollen-mannfacturers-L. Nutley and P. Lawton, High-street, Southwark, pawn - brokers-F. E. Turner, and J. Taylor, Weduesbury and Darlaston, Staffordshire, chemists-R. Blick and .1. Steggall, Smithfield-bars, surgeons-J., G. H., and J. Spencer, Angel-court, Skinner-street, Snow- hill, furriers-T. Jackson and H. Cooke, Preston and Ciithero, corn-dealers-J. and H. Budgett, Cheddar, Somersetshire, maltsters-W. Buckle and H. Matthews, Wolverhampton, grocers-J. Livingston arid J. Frazer, Blackburn, drapers-G. and H. Sehonswar, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants-G. Booth, J. Lees, and G. Barnfather' Banktop-mill, Lancashire, cot- ton-spinners-G. Newmarch, C. Laurence, and J. S. Price, Burford, Oxfordshire, attoruies.


Nov. 20-Thomas Christian, Crown-street, Finsbury, woollen-draper.


James Farrar, Liverpool, merchant.


Richard FOrd, jun. Commercial-road, limehonse, carman, to surrender Dec. 2, 9, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Wells, York- terrace, Commercial-road.

. Thomas Pyrke, Henley-upon-Thames, draper, Dec.2, 9, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghan.street: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Newgate-street.

Thomas Clark and George Bryson, Bridge-road, Lambeth, and Chatham, linen- drapers, Dec. 5, 12, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Newgate-street.

Benjamin Laverock Love, Great Yarmouth, merchant, Dec. 3, 4, Jan. 2, at the Star Inn, Great Yarmouth : solicitor, Mr. Francis, New Boswell-court. James Loader, Watford, Hertfordshire, ironmonger, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ashley, Royal-Exchange.

John Lomas, Westminster-bridge-road, Lambeth, tavern-keeper, Nov. 25, Dec. 5, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Eclis, Broad-street- buildings.

John Burrell, Love-lane, Rotherhithe, victualler, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitor, Mr. Kelly, New Inn,

Thomas Havant, Bromyard, Herefordshire, victualler, Nov. 25, 26, Jan. 2, at the Falcon Inn, Bromyard : solicitor, Mr. White, Old-square' Lincoln's Ion.

John \Volker, Ormskirk, Lancashire, draper, Dec. 8, 9, Jan. 2, at the Clarendon Rooms, Liverpool; solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock and Bunce, King's Bench-walk, Temple. Thomas Tomson, Cambridge, stone-mason, Dec. 10, 11, Jan. 2, at the Red Lion Inn, Cambridge : solicitor, Mr. Coe Hatton-garden.

James Morgan, Bromyard, Herefordshire, butcher, Dec. 1, 2' Jan. 2, at the Bay Horse, Bromyard : solicitors, Messrs. Woodward and Stanley, New Broad-street.

William Burton, Breightmet, Lancashire, whitster, Dec. 8, 9, Jan. 2, at the Star Inn, Manchester : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-


William Eales, 'Crawford-street, Marylebone linendraper, Dec. 5, 9, Jaa, ; the Biorkrupte Court, Basiughall-stree; ealicitArt bfr.Smith3 WeittrhoW-

Frederick Greenfield, Whitecross-street, Cripplegate, surgeon, Nov. 28, Dee. 9, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. (Hall, Thompson, and (Sewell, Salters'-hall.

Thomas George Martin, Threadneedle-street, broker, Dec. 5, 9, Jan. 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Scargill, Hatton-court, Thread- needle-street.

Joseph Bertram, Alfreton, Derbyshire, mercer, Dec. 1, 2, Jan. 2, at the King's Head Inn, Duffield • solicitor, Messrs. Bromley, Gray's-inn-square.


Dee. 29, F. and S. Shute, Crediton Devonshire, woollen-manufacturers-Dec. 12, G. Bingley, New York, America, merchant-Dee. 17, A. Parkinson and J. Duckett, Manchester, calico-printers-Dec. 16, W. Smith Horton, Northmnberland, mer- chant-Dec.16, E. Clively, Horsham, Sussex, woollen-draper-Dec.19, S

Finsbury-square, merchant-Dec. 17, W. S. Allen, Kingston-upon-Hull, tea- dealer-Dec. 18, T. Gilson, Nottingham, hosier-Dec. 12, W. Ramsay, North Shields, ship-owner-Dec.12, T. Godward, Castle-street, Southwark, plasterer-Dec. 12, J. Wood, Nelson-square, Surrey, jeweller-Dec.12, \V. Fisk, Gate-street,Lincoln's-inn- fields, dealer-Dec. 12, T. Teuton, Warrington, Lancashire, cotton-spinner-Dec. 12. J. and W. Handley, Burslem, Staffordshire, china-manufacturers-Dec. 12. H. Sikes, London, banker-Dec. 13, W. Wisedill, Friday-street, ironmonger-Dec. 12, M. Swalwell, Kensington Gravel•pits, schoolmistress.


To be granted, unless cause he shown to the contrary on or Wore Dec. 12.

J. C. Crucelix and J. Smith, Strand, blacking-manufacturers-W. Gadd, King's- anus-yard, Coleman-street, scrivener-T. Garbutt, Manchester, woollen-cord-ma- nufacturer-I. Worley, Fish-street-hill, hotel-keeper-N. Isaac, sen., Marshfield, Gloucestershire, maltster-W. Garth, Ballgrove, Lancashire, cotton•spinner-H. Thornton, Bermondsey, tanner-J. Glover, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. grocer.