22 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 3

We deeply regret to record the death of the Rev.

Hugh Price Hughes, editor of the Methodist Times, and a leading minister of the Methodist Connexion. A born orator, and with some of the defects of that temperament, especially its tendency to overstatement, he was a bravo and honest man, who never hesitated to state the truth as he saw it, whether it added to his popularity or no, and who strove by incessant work to leave the world better than he found it. His elder brethren of the denomination thought him, we believe, very rash ; but his admirers contend, we think justly, that he broke up a frost, which is apt to cool the blood of great and pros- perous Churches &little too much. We never had the fortune to hear him preach, but we believe he had nearly the effective- ness of Mr. Spurgeon, though be lacked the power of humorous presentation of truth in which the latter was unrivalled.