22 NOVEMBER 1957, Page 29


SIR,—I can let Mr. Betjeman have a few facts about Barry Pain, since 1 published a volume of his short stories in 1914, and his Collected Tales in 1916. 1 met him on a few occasions, at my office in the Adelphi, and at the Savile in their old premises in Piccadilly: Or was it in the Arts Club in Dover Street? I am not sure. I recall him as of medium height with a short beard, his conversation light and amusing. 1 should not have called him gloomy. The Eliza books appeared about 1912, but he himself preferred his serious work. Collected Tales, mentioned above, is entirely serious, some of the stories being dramatic, or even melodramatic, some macabre. When he was at Cambridge he edited Crania. He married a daugh- Ler of Rudolf Lehmann, the Victorian painter (no relation to Rudolph Lehmann, editor of Punch, who spelt his name with a 'ph'), and thus became brother- in-law to Liza Lehmann, the famous concert singer. He used to live at Pinner, and died, I think, in ill,. late Twenties.—Yours faithfully, Royal Opera Arcade, SW1