SIR,—The communications sent to Mr. Muggeridge and Lord Altrincham are not explained by the fact that their criticisms were aimed at the Queen. Such abuse is commonly meted out to effective social critics whatever they criticise. Even popular, virile Mr. J. B. Priestley has received used lavatory paper through the post after broadcasting for the Labour Party.
You would expect people who send this kind of missive to be unhappy, lonely, embittered, anti- social, and therefore you would expect such behaviour to come from rebels, the underprivileged, the lunatic fringe of the Left. But not a bit of it. It comes in- variably from the Right. It is meted out to social critics, not by them. 'Just as,' says Mr. Fairlie, 'the overwhelming majority of the letters received by both Lord Altrincham and Mr. Muggeridge come (to judge from the notepaper and the addresses) from middle- and upper-middle-class homes, so also do the majority and the worst of the obscene libels.'
Socialist politicians often receive filthy abuse from anonymous Conservatives. In the United States Democratic politicians often receive filthy abuse from anonymous Republicans. Yet it seems rarely to happen the other way round. Why is this?—Yours faithfully, BRYAN MAGEE Oxford & Cambridge University Club, Pall Mall, SW I