KENYA'S CONSTITUTION SIR.—What a pity that, With all his efforts,
the Colonial Secretary has only drawn up a constitution for Kenya that is not only unacceptable to the Africans but displeasing to many of the Settlers! Asked about the African Members' rejection of the proposals, Mr. Lennox-Bod said he did not feel that they represented African opinion. Thinking back to the Suez crisis, even in our country with all our democratic advantages, members of the Government do not always act in accordance with the desires of their constituents! It is essential to have an informed African public opinion in Kenya. At present there are strict restrictions on political associations and meetings. Under emergency regulations thousands of Kikuyu have been denied the vote, while those allowed to vote do not have the same kind of vote as a white man. It is easy to say they do not qualify for it because they are illiterate, because the Govern- ment only provides a minimum of education for only a'small proportion of the African children. Race relations cannot improve in such conditions.—Yours faithfully, EILEEN FLETCIIER 9 Sandfield Terrace, Guildford