I WISH THE WISE decision to end presentation parties really
did mean the end of the debs. But so far as I can see it will have very little effect. Newspapers will continue to pin the meaning- less label of 'deb. of the year' on the girl who has the best publicity service, to refer to people as ex-debutantes as if it was a qualification or an achievement like being an ex-army officer, and to give the exact cost of the decorations and refresh- ments at each debutante party. Mothers will con- tinue to regard the season as a necessary market place, even though there is not often a .ready sale, and daughters will continue to enjoy them- selves against the most fearful odds. Indeed, the only losers will be those formidable ladies whose discreet advertisements in the personal columns of The Times used to announce that they were willing to bring about presentations for the usual fee.