22 NOVEMBER 2008, Page 30

Sock horror

Sir: Venetia Thompson’s shock at finding cocaine in a sock (‘Cocaine in my sock drawer’, 15 November) reminds me of a similar quandary faced some years ago by an acquaintance of mine. He had bought a motor cruiser and during his first inspection of the engine room discovered packets of white powder neatly stacked under the floorboards. He knew enough to know it was not flour. What should he do? Dump them overboard? Or alert the police and risk losing his boat, as it would almost certainly be confiscated, pending investigation, with no guarantee that it would ever be returned?

I should add that he was a man of moral discipline, sincerely held. However, his love of his boat proved more powerful than his principles. He contacted the previous owner and told him to come and collect ‘some forgotten furniture’.

The owner came and collected, and that was the end of the matter.

Michael Nicholson

Grayswood, Surrey