Apprehension of panic continues to afflict the merchants and money-changers.
The demand for gold has not ceased, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer uses no means to relieve the Bank of England. It is not probable that the existing difficulties will reach such a point, but still the last ingot may be drawn from the Bank's coffers, and a tremendous crash ensue. We know that some of the most wealthy, shrewd, and experienced money-dealers in London are very uncomfortable as regards the issue of the present symptoms. The City is in arms against Mr. SPRING RICE. He ought, it is said by many, to have funded Exchequer Bills, as he was advised, when the Three per Cents. were at 90, in the spring : all complain of his absence from the centre of business at a time when it is his most especial duty te watch over the finances and currency of the country. Whatever may be the result of the present struggle for gold, it is satisfactory to know, that another session of Parliament will not be allowed to pass away without important alterations in our banking system. The plan of having but one bank of issue, whose operations shall be published at short intervals, seems the most feasible. It is mani- fest that at present the power of the Bank of England is very in- adequate to control the currency and regulate the exchanges ; yet such are the duties expected from it.