The Foreign news of the week, from any qua let',
is not parti- cularly noticeable. The insurrection makes progress in Spain. We mentioned in our second edition last week, that GOMEZ, the Carlist General, had penetrated into Andalusia, and made himself master of Cordova. It appears that he remained eight days in that city; where his troops committed great excesses, and carried off much valuable
plunder. One of his officers, VILLALOBOS, was shot in the streets, while addressing the people. The only opposition GOMEZ seems to have encountered, was from a body of Militia, whom he easily routed. From Cordova, GOMEZ is said to have moved to- wards Seville; but he has since retrograded, and, it is supposed, will endeavour to effect a junction, by a march through the South- eastern provinces, With the main body of the Carlists in the North. In the mean while, another body of Carlists, called the army of Sarsz, has been traversing the Asturias, and, after an in- effectual attack on Oviedo, has made its way into Galicia. It is supposed that VILLAREAL, nominally the Carlist Commander-in- Chief, has been compelled to retreat a considerable distance from the North-eastern side of the Ebro, in consequence of the excur- sion of Gomez into Andalusia ; that chieftain, who seems to fight on his own account, having disobeyed his orders to cooperate with VILLAREAL. What the Queen's Generals are about, nobody seems to know.
The Queen herself is said to have written to the King of Na- ples, her brother, declaring her disgust and alarm at recent oc- currences in Madrid, and her determination to take the first op- portunity of escaping to Italy. IvIEreerzAem, has applied to her for the loan of 300,000/. sterling from her private stores in the Foreign Funds; but it is not supposed that she will advance a dollar. Instead of receiving cash for their November Dividends, the Eng- lish creditors of' Spain have been offered bills upon the Custom- house of Cuba ; which may very probably be protested. Such is the sketch m bleb the week's news presents of the deplorable state of the Peninsula.