Arid, designed by PARRIS, is, we are told, a portrait of a young lady who is about to make her debut at one of the large theatres. The figure is graceful ; the limbs are round, and better drawn than usual ; and the action is buoyant and free. The expression of the face is affected ; but as it does not convey a definite idea of the fair original, we willingly give ber credit for a more pleasing character of physiog- nomy. The line-engraving, by F. BACON, is delicate, and highly wrought.
A three.quarter length portrait of the late Duke of Gordon, in the Highland costume, by GEORGE SAUNDERS, makes a striking picture, and is cleverly drawn. The fierce cock of the bonnet is a little at variance with the staid gravity, though not with the stern expression, of the hard-featured face. The mezzotint, by JOHN LUCAS, is forcible, effective, and artist-like.