His Majesty has subscribed 50/. to the fund for- repairing
the monu- ment of Shakspeare at Stratford-upon-Avon.
The Bishop of Ripon will be confirmed on the 5th, and consecrated on the 6th of November, at York.
Sir Edward Kerrison, M. P., has presented an organ (said to have ,cost two hundred guineas) to Hostile Church, Suffolk ; which is the oldest ecclesiastical establishment, icing the first Christian church erected in the kingdom of the East Angles.
The gross receipts at the Liverpool Festival amount to about 9000/.
De Beriot has written another letter to the Boroughreeve of Man- chester, praying him very earnestly to procure the disinterment of his late wife. Application was consequently made to the Clergy of the Col- legiate Church ; and it was ascertained that permission for the disin- terment would be given by the Chancellor of the diocese, unless a caveat was entered against it. The Festival Committee were to meet on Wednesday, and decide whether they should enter the caveat or per. mit the disinterment. It does not as yet appear what course they adopted.