22 OCTOBER 1836, Page 4

Liverpool exults in the financial benefits which result from Corms-

Nation Reform. Besides having persons appointed to vacant offices

solely on the ground of their fitness, it is represented in answer to the question, what has the new Council done ? that savings to the borough funds have already been effected to the extent of 10,380/.

Mr. W. S. Roscoe—an honoured name—has been appointed by the Town-Council of Liverpool to the valuable appointment of Ser- geant- at- Mace.

The result of the Leeds Municipal Registration has been to add 187 votes to the Reformers' former majority in the different wards of the town.

The estates belonging to the Corporation of Huntingdon were sold on Saturday, and realized only 2205/. The Earl of Sandwich was the principal purchaser. This sum is not sufficient to pay off the

outstanding demands against the Corporation, and they do not ap- pear tb have any means of raising the deficiency.—Canibridge Chronicle. The debt of the Corporation of Newcastle amounts to 60,334/. and upwards ; besides which, the tradesmen's accounts are 11,5211. : to meet the latter the Corporation have only 2800/.— Tyne Mercury.

The noted Mr. Tibbitts has been removed from the office of Town. Clerk of Warwick, and Mr. Thomas Heath has been appointed in his place. Tibbitts insolently refused to consult Mr. Joseph Parkes on municipal business, according to the desire of the Town-Council ; so he was very properly turned off.

Through the unremitting exertions of Mr. Sergeant Wilde, the patrio- tic Member for Newark, the mills and machinery on the Crown estates, which were advertised to be sold, have been granted to the millers by the Commissioners of Woods and Forests. The castle and land surrounding it will be granted to the town for a promenade for the in- habitants.

The Bristol Court of Municipal Revision closed on Thursday week, after sitting seven days. The number of objections amounted to 580, the number of claims to 265. Of the claims, the Liberals put in 217, the Tories 48. Of the 217 claims preferred by the Liberals, they sus. tamed 147, failing in 70; of the 48 preferred by the Tories, 19 failed, and 29 were successful; that is to y, the Liberals were successful in more than two-thirds, while the Tories failed in nearly one-half.— Bristol Advocate.

A great sensation has been created at Exeter by the report lately brought up to the Town- Council. It appears that this city is 157,000/. in debt ; 20,000/. of which has been expended on the canal, in the most lavish and extravagant manner.—NorthDeron Journal.

The Town-Council of Canterbury have voted to Mr. Nott, the Town. Clerk of the old Corporation, an annuity of 71. 10s., as a com- pensation for the loss of his situation, which he had held for eighteen years.— Canterbury Journal.

The Town- Clerk and other officers under the old Corporation of Shrewsbury, cannot get any settlement of their demand for compensa- tion under the Municipal Corporation Act, and have been forced to apply to the Secretary of State.—Solopian Journal.

Bristol has benefited already from the Corporation Reform Bill to the extent of 7600/. a year out of the 16,000/. which forms the city

income, and which previously used to be consumed in extravagant sala- ries and feasting. The sale also of their church property already dis- posed of is 20,500/., which is now in the city chest for the improve- ments of its docks, &c. ; and there still remain five more advowsons to dispose of.

At the Norwich Municipal Revision Court, Mr. Bignold, a house- holder of that city, who bad paid rates and taxes for seventeen years, was struck off the burgess-list, for refusing to answer a question put to him by Mr. Wilde, the as. It for the Radical party. Mr. Brown, one

of the Assessors, strongly protested against the decision of the Mayor and his other colleagues. Mr. Bignold has issued a circular calling a meeting to take the ease into its consideration. —Norwich Mercury. [The question must have been one which Mr. Bignold was bound to answer ; though a knowing old Norwich corporator might dislike it]