The Dublin correspondent of the Times admits that the Liberals
are everywhere beating the Tories at the Registries. The Dublin correspondent of the Times admits that the Liberals are everywhere beating the Tories at the Registries.
It is well known that Lord Palmerston, the noble and Liberal Fo- reign Secretary, possesses a large estate in the county of Sligo. But it is not equally well known that he expends nearly the entire rental of that estate in improvements, and constantly employs his tenantry in the most useful works. He is consequently beloved by them, and consi- dered, as he really is, one of the best landlords in Ireland. We have now the very great satisfaction to announce to the public, that a letter was received by a gentleman in this town a few days back fioni his
Lordship, in which he states that he has given directions to Ins agent to facilitate the registry of his Lordship's tenantry, and that the Libe- ral cause shall have his warmest support.— Sligo Champion.
Lord Ennismore, a Liberal, late High Sheriff of Cork, is named to dispute the representation of that county with Mr. Long field, the Con- servative Member, at the next vacancy.
In Longford County, where an election for one Member must take place as soon as Parliament meets, the Liberals are making great ex.. ertions ; they have served 150 notices, whilst the Orange party are limited to seven.—Dab/in Post.