The rumour in Paris, yesterday, was that the expected Russian
mani- festo had arrived. Hearing this the Police, it is said, had made inquiries, and hearing also that the manifesto contained expressions injurious to France and England, had forbidden its publication. The phrase objected to is, that the Emperor of Russia would consider any succour, moral or material, given by England or France to Turkey, " as an insult." M. de Kisselef has had a long interview with M. Drouyn de Lhuys.
Despatches „from St.,Petersh proceed rapidlyt, The fleet inli# up for the wintei -OH, is ordered' and to proceed at once ' to Reve
that a collision between the Turke' and Russians in Asia is likely to take place before any engagements on ti.larger scale on the`Danube.
A telegraphic despatch was received at Paris yesterday, dated Constan- tinople, October 13. The combined fleets had not at that date entered the Dardanelles, but they were expected to do so at once. The wealthier inhabitants of Constantinople had chartered all sorts of small craft, and gone down to the Straits to see the, spectacle of the entrance of the fleets.
We have received private letters from Bucharest, in which it is stated that war is expected there every moment. It is said that the weather is
very dry and fine; that there is nothing to prevent Omer Pacha from crossing the Danue, if he wishes to do so. The accounts from Bulgaria Mate that Omer Pacha is expected to enter Little Wallachia. The Rus- sian Generals have no means of opposing him, as they have not force enough to cover the whole line of the Danube.—La Presse.
The instructions of the French and English Admirals are to proceed to the Bosphorus ; and thence they will proceed to act energetically in the Black Sea, as circumstances may require.—Merning Post.
Negotiations have ceased. Had their object, -when they were in pro- gress, been rather to solve the difficulty than -to compromise it, they might have proved more effectual. As it is, Russia must retire, or Turkey must succumb. The Czar must undergo severe moral' and material cheek, or the Sultan must Iose half his demitions, and the influence of the Western nations be overthrown. These are the only alternatives be- fore the contenffing Powers.—/dem.
It is reported that:General Lamoricibre will command the Turkish army, of Roumelia, and the Sardinian General Count Marmora the army of Anatolia.
A monk named Anthinos has been appointed. Patriarch of the Greeks at Constantinople.
• The Emperor of Russia arrived at St. Petersburg on the 14th instant.,
stale, that the Preparations for- war- arbOnifpf that. 'Which luid laid `
re for* pntatible destiateh,
tterefrom Constantindple- intimate