The King of the ,Belgians, the. Duke and Duchess of
Brabant, the Count of Flanders, and the Princess Charlotte of ,Belgium, embarked at Ostend yesterday, and, after a atormy paseage, ;landed, at Dover about noon. They were received by Lord de Tabley and *Beigian.Miuiater conducted to the Bricklayeem Arma_byrailway_; thence, inthe queen's carriages, to Paddington, and by kspeeial train to Windsor. Prince Al-
bert met his relatives at the statikm, as& theiQueen*ith her children re- ceived them at the foot of the,-granil ;tailgate, en, .their: arrival at the Cagle.
' The Russian Archduchess Marie ,haa left:TOrquay for the -Continent. It is stated that she will embark todayat Dover.