• Grisi and Mario had their farewell concert at Edinburgh
last Saturday. The Music Hall was crowded;. but Grisi was so unwell that she could only take a part in a duet. The audience were, however, reconciled to their privation by the great exertions of Mario, who is said on this occa- sion to have surpaseeftWM/mit. We have some reliable information as to the future movements.of the 'pair., When they finish their provincial tour, the- state of the lady 'd health- will render it necessary for her to pass the winter in repose. In the spring, they contemplate a musical tour through France and Germany; and, after spending a short time at their villa near Florence, they take their departure for America in the autumn. They do not intend to sing again Ifi London. • By way of consolation to our musical readers, we may add, also on good authority; that Jenny Lind (Madame Goldschmidt) means to come to London' next spring, to resume her professional occupation as a cos- cert-singer. Her vocal powers are said to bo in no way impaired by her change-of condition.