22 OCTOBER 1983, Page 40

Books Wanted

WILLIAM COOPER: 'The Struggles of Albert Woods' and 'Number Nine Joy Street', author unknown. Robert Cahn, 6 Storey's Way, Cam- bridge CB3 ODT.

THE WALLET OF KAI LUNG by Ernest Bramah. M.J. Read, 4 Anson Court, Anson Rd, London NW2. 01-452 9075.

FOLIO SOCIETY SHAKESPEARE SERIES: most volumes considered. Mr S. Harrison, Flat I, 6 Liverpool Rd, Chester CH2 IAA.

A. NOEL-HUME: 'Tortoises and Other Rep- tiles' and 'Stageland' by J.K. Jerome. M. Freeman, 6c Crendon St, High Wycombe, Bucks.

DOCTOR RAT by William Kotzwinkle. Any edition. Please write: C.E. Gallop, 40 Mayfield Gardens, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 5PP. LOVE OF SEVEN DOLLS by Paul Gallico. G.W.J. Crawford, 2 The Grazings, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 5JN.

MEDIAEVAL LATIN LYRICS, translation by Helen Waddell, Yool, Virginia House, Silver St, Lyme Regis DT7 3HS, ENGLISH CATHOLIC HYMNBOOK and Yat- tendon Hymnal. C.M. Dunkley, 21 University Rd, Leicester.

HILAIRE BELLOC: 'The Historic Thames' (Dent 1907). R. Pomeroy, Rockfield House, Nunney, Frome, Somerset.

JOHN WHITE: 'Art and Architecture in Italy 1250-1400 (Penguin 1966) and 'Coryate's Crudities' (1905 2 vol ed). Krzysztof Cieszkowski, 684 Finchley Rd, London NW11 7NP.

WHITE HORSES OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND by the Rev Plunderleith. Hugh Hynes, 34 Alexandra Gardens, Penzance, Corn- wall TR18 4SY.

EDGAR SAXON: 'Towards Radiant Health' and 'Highways to Health'. David Low, Emm- ington, Chinnor, Oxford 0X9 4AA.

THE BEST OF HENRY LONGHURST, ON GOLF AND LIFE edited by M. Wilson and K. Bowden. R. F. Grieve, 11 Hewshott Grove, Liphook, Hants. Tel: 0428 722012.

VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY OF OX- FORDSHIRE, vol. 3, and 'Spooner' by William Hayter. W. H. Paul, Wychwood, Upper Court Rd, Woldingham, Surrey CR3 7BF.

THE CORNFLAKE CRUSADE by Gerald Car- son (Gollanz 1960) and 'Totem' by Harold Stovin. Lawrence Hills, 32 Convent Lane, Sock- ing, Braintree, Essex.

GRASPING THE VIPER by Herve Bazin (Secker & Warburg). J. Ferguson, 25 Wychurst Gardens, Bexhill-on-Sea, E. Sussex.

TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY by R. L. Steven- son and 'Clancy' by Frederick Mullally. G. King, 17 Harlington Rd, Aberdeen AB1 6XT. WILLIAM SEWARD BURROUGHS: 'Exter- minator' and 'The Ticket that Exploded'. D. J. Felton, Bradfield College, Bradfield, Nr Reading, Berks R07 6AU.

FREE SERVICE FOR READERS If you wish to advertise in our weekly Books Wanted Column please send details (max. 2 books) to: Books Wanted, The Spectator, 56 Doughty St, London WC1N 2LL.