22 OCTOBER 1988, Page 15

`...and statistics'

'IN an IOD survey . . . 59 per cent of business travellers said there had been no worsening of British Rail Intercity services while 20 per cent said they had improved and 34 per cent said they had stayed about the same.' (Directline, publication of the Institute of Directors, October 1988.)

What is the distinction between the 59 per cent who said services had not deteriorated and the much smaller 34 per cent who said they had remained about the same? Even if the 59 per cent is interpreted as consisting of the 20 per cent who said services had improved plus the 34 per cent who said services had remained about the same one only arrives at 54 per cent.

£20 goes to Mr M. Chapman, of London SEll. Send examples to `. . . and statistics'; £20 for the best pub- lished; £10 for every other published.