RAILROADS IN FRANCE.—A committee of engineers has already received orders
to prepare a general plan of railroads, which, branching from the capital, should form lines of communication with Rouen and Havre; Lille, with a branch to Calais, Dunkirk, and Valenciennes; Strasburg, with a branch to Metz ; Lyons and Marseilles, with a branch to Grenoble ; Bordeaux, Tours, and Nantes. When the phut shall be finished, the different parts of which it will be composed will: be distributed among the engineers of the departments through which the lines are to pass.—Nouvelliste.
WISDOM OF OUR ANCESTORS.—In 1504, Hugh Oldham held the_ following livings : Dean of Wimborn Minster ; Rector of Cheshunt ; Rector of St. Mildred's, London ; Prebend of St. Paul's; Prebend. of York ; Master of St. Leonard's Hospital, Bedford ; Rector of Shillington ; Prebend of Lichfield; and Bishopric of Exeter.