What do Unitarians Believe and Teach ? (British and Foreign Unitarian Association. 2s. net.)—A plain statement of the Unitarian faith in a popular form has long been needed. The question, "What do Unitarians believe and teach ?" is now con- stantly asked, and it would be impossible to answer it more shortly or more simply than it is answered in the "Twelve Replies" which form a small volume recently published by the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. All the papers are interesting and all provoke thought. The doctrinal attitude of the writers differs slightly in detail, but all are in agreement with the statement of faith which faces the first page of the first essay. Unitarians believe, they declare, in "the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, the Leadership of Jesus, Salvation by Character, the Progress of Mankind onward and upward for ever." Below this concise summary are printed two lines, headed "Our Worship," which run thus :—" In the love of the truth, and the spirit of Jesus Christ, we unite for the worship of God and the service of man."