A School-Girls' Service
On behalf of country children, this incident may be told. A lady, carrying a very large number of cardboard boxes con- taining gas-masks, was approached by three small girls from a neighbouring cottage, who offered their services. These were gladly accepted. The eldest of the three explained her philo- sophy of life. " We go to school on the weekdays," she said, " we go to Sunday school on Sunday, and we like to help somebody on Saturday. It says so, in the Bible, doesn't it? " Exactly what text she had in mind may be open to some ques- tion, but that she had accurately extracted the essence of a good many texts will hardly be disputed. When a little later the village was invaded, was pervaded by a host of children from London, the many differences of philosophy and manners between rural and urban children became very apparent in scores of incidents, that now make up a good part of the conversation of their poorer hosts.