Sir: My mentor Dr R. H. Thouless us e to caution
his students of educatie' against the fallacy of arguing free what he called 'Fantastic Anecclates,, — stories made up to prove, to one: own satisfaction at least, that elle; theories were correct. Education,t philosopher John H. Chambers into this trap in his account of 111[1 post-dating of the Battle of Hastings: instead of indulging in philosop101 speculation he were actually to visit;democratically-run school, he wehl` find that there ' democracy ' has 1 accepted meaning of government decision-making by the members. f, Kirkdale School in South London, le instance, he would find parenl children and teachers togethe„ reaching decisions on the running the school. The assignation of datest' historical events does not form a Pr of the proceedings. Outer Elphl.61
Elsynge Road, London SW18