22 SEPTEMBER 1973, Page 4

Sir: T' e Labour Party's intention outlaw all schools which

are indePe„n, dent of the State's fiat, and to rna', illegal the charging and payment school fees, is a :threat to LtbertY.",, tramples on a right, the right Mlle,' parents now possess, to choose the' children's education. The right of,!, parent not to be totally beholden tot'. State.

It is true that, since the war, 3LIC. cessive Governments have progrel; sively eroded parental choice education. And it is true that choice , school, which means the ability to P,a; for this, is now more than ever perquisite of a wealthy minoriflr Nevertheless, parents (not all of ther. rich) can, and do, sacrifice moc,' (sometimes all) to pay to choose Ow, children's school. It is this

freedom underwritten by the u,„' Charter of Human Rights, which Socialists now intend to extinguish.„

Surely, parental choice should extended: not reduced, as will be t"' case if independent education tionalised. Ought we not, instead, denationalise the present bureaucrar, State system and open up all school not merely independent schools, to frP

and unfettered parental choice? ,

This could be achieved by issuila every parent with an education voucher which could be cashed 1161 part-payment of the fees of a school „ choice. A year ago, education voucha: were introduced in California. ThfS, have been successful and are now SI, popular (with teachers as well as svil parents) that there is a growifici demand for their use to be extend d throughout the US. Politicians, political parties, who persistentai refuse even to consider educati°4 vouchers, would do well to remernp` that parents have votes.

Noel Paulle Corfu ', Cardiff Road, Creiglau.
