23 APRIL 1836, Page 2

MENDIZABAL'S triumph in the Spanish Chamber of Procura- dores seems

to be complete. The paragraph in the adrIress, in- cluding the" vote of confidence," was carried by 97 to 16, and the others by 106 to 10. Thus is disclosed the real strength of the minority; who had actually, in anticipation of the Minister's de- feat, parcelled out the chief offices of the Government among themselves.

The accounts from the seat of war state, that the Queen's troops are constantly receiving reinforcements ; that their health is im- proving, and their spirits excellent. There has been some sharp fighting ; and it is rumoured that a small place called Lequeitio, in Navarre, has fallen into the hands of the Carlists; but the news wants confirmation.

The Globe of last night states, that a battalion of the Royal Marines, 700 strong, with a company of artillery and every equip- ment for active service, had been ordered to proceed immediately to the coast of Spain, under the command of Major JOHN OWEN. The appearance of these troops, and the active cooperation of Lord JOHN HAY, will convince the rebels that the British Go. vernment is in earnest.