April 20, 1859. Sin—In the arrangements of the "public drinking fountains" for the working classes, I very earnestly trust that the wants of the four-footed working classes will not be forgotten or despised. Many a poor horse would gladly exchange all the load which he drags, even though it were an omni- bus full of estimable citizens, for one draught of water : but as there are no drinking places in the streets he has to endure the torment of thirst until his return to the stable. Horses don't go mad from thirst, nor bite people, and give them hydrophobia, but the dogs sometimes take their revenge upon the cruelty of men. If the public only knew bow many dogs are an- nually driven mad through want of water, I feel tolerably sure that if not dog-love at least self-love would move them to devise a drinking-place for beasts at the base of every public fountain. Will you, dear Sir, who must often have been a sympathising spectator of our misery, put in a word in our behalf into your paper, and thus deserve and obtain the lasting gratitude of all dumb beasts, and of