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Save at the Haymarket, where a new burlesque, entitled Electra in an Electric Light, is announced for Easter Monday ; and at the Adelphi, where there is to be an extravaganza, called the Devil on Two Sticks, we have in central London no indications of the Paschal holidays, once so important to managers. The immense success of Henry V. at the Prin- cess's renders any change during the remainder of Mr. C. Keen's fare- well season highly improbable ; and the Olympic still relies on the Por- ter's Knot, preeMed by Mr. Tom Taylor's new comedietta, Nine Points of the Law. At the Strand Theatre, the favourite burlesque, The Maid and the Magpie, will be substituted for the Christmas novelty, Kenil- worth. The announcement of a spectacle called Oceola, at the Surrey, shows that Easter traditions have not faded on the other side of the Water, and there is a testimony to the same effect in the production of an equestrian Ivanhoe, at Astley's. According to advertisements, the St. James's Theatre will be reopened for French plays on Monday week (May 2).