23 APRIL 1859, Page 7


ffEllrf.—Although so full of political activity the news from Paris affords little worth recording. The Marquis d'Azeglio saw the Emperor and Count Walewski while in Paris. General Fanti, a Sardinian officer, had been in frequent communication with the Emperor and Prince Napoleon.

The Maniteur has paraded the departure of a fleet from Brest for Toulon under Admiral Jehanne. Nino gunboats at Cherbourg have been ordered to Toulon, and three at Toulon have been held in readiness to put to sea instantly. The Moniteter de.l 'Armee reports the movements of several cavalry regiments towards the frontier—movements unusual at this season.

La Franey Centrals is permitted to announce that in case of a war the staff of the army will be composed as follows—The Emperor, Com- mander-in-chief; General Canrobert, Major-General ; General Niel, General de Service ; General Lebouif, Commissioner of the Artillery ; General de Martinprey, Chief of the. Staff. Some steps have been taken to secure the opening of the English church in the Rue d'Aguesseau. At a meeting of English residents in Paris, held • Menriee's Hotel on Tuesday, Lord Chelsea in the chair, it was stated

that the Colonial Church Society has collected 40001., and undertaken to obtain2000/. towards the purchase of the edifice. The sun], therefore, which the English in Paris would have to supply would be 3000.1. The speakers, however, thought that the English in Paris could only subscribe 20001., and a resolution was passed begging the Colonial Church Society to raise its contribution to 70001. It is supposed that the church will be opened in abmit a Month.

Mitt le .—The situation of Italy is but little changed. It.is said, how- ever that a premature insurn3chon burst out at the close of last week in Bologna, and that it was repressed by the fire of the troops. Volunteers continue to flock to Piedmont from all parts of Italy. Such is the energy and liberality with which the offerings are made infavour of the families of the poor soldiers of the contingents that, according to the Piedmont journals, they will be amply provided for ;—a remarkable example of pa- triutic charity considering the extraordinary expenses and burdens which the-people are just now called upon to sustain.

The influx of volunteers from Lombardy continues ; from the Romagna it has considerably increased, and it i5 stated that many thousands of young men are ready to enter Piedmont from every part of Italy, so that

the volunteers are likely soon to form a second army. The Piedmonts* papers publish a letter from the Marquis Neri Corsini to the Mini**, Baldasseroni ripen the affairs of Tuscany. The Marquis was always's supporter of the grand ducal dynasty. The letter was printed ding having been subjected to the misinterpretations of the IVbeas and Aube pendenee Beige. In this letter, after having rejected the union of the Tuscan and Austrian forces as an impossibility, the Marquis discusses the two remaining courses of neutrality or alliance with Piedmont. He de- monstrates that the former must be ruinous to the dynasty and altogether to be deprecated, while alliance with Piedmont would save the Sove- reign and Government, render the country contented, and entail no dis- astrous results even in case of the defeat of Piedmont.

The Corriere Mercantile of the 16th, announces that the French steam- ship, General Abbatuoci, was in sight of the port of Genoa, with a bat- talion of volunteers from Leghorn, consisting of about 800 men. The Opinions mentions the probability of the speedy arrival of another com- pany equally large in the ship Bhdah. It appears from correspondence in the Corriere Mercantile that the Duchess of Parma is disposed, in case of emergency, to flee to Venice, whither she has already sent furniture and plate to furnish the palace which she possesses there. The Duke of Modena, according to the same journal, is better, and is going to Reggio, where he will form his gene- ral guard, leaving a few troops at Modena with orders to bombard the city in ease of revolt The reactionary party is well provided with arms and includes contrabandists and others of similar character.

According to the Opinione, above 300 men have arrived in Piedramal from Lucca, to enrol themselves in the army ; on the departure of the vo- lunteers from Faenza, says the same journal, the regular troops united with them and saluted them with cries of Viva thane ! Viva Vittorio Emmanuele !

The Independence Beige agrees with the Italian journals in asserting that agitation continues at Naples, especially. at Court. As to whether the King is dead or alive nothing positive is known, but at all events, he is at his last moments. Caraffa, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, still feigns illness, that he may see no one and avoid compromising him- self. The Queen is anxious for the elevation of her son. If she cannot obtain the Crown for him, she will endeavour to secure him a lofty and lucrative position, with supreme political influence. Her aim is to re- vive for him the title of Prince of Salerno, with an income of 30,00ff ducats. The Count of Syracuse, in order to save the dynasty, favours the constitution with the Duke of Calabria upon the throne. The friends of the Count seek to rally the Liberals to his party, but with little success. A new Ministry is talked about, composed of the Duke of Serraoapriola, Savarese General Ischitells, with Filangieri at its head. The latter is much earessed by the young Duchess of Calabria. A. Nea- politan correspondent of the Corriere Mercantile represents the convulsed state of the kingdom, the intrigues of the Queen, the general expectation of change, and states that England and the Grand Duke Constantine are labouring indefatigably to form a constitutional party to support the Bourbon dynasty in the person of the hereditary prince against the Mu- ralists, Austrians, and all other parties. It is affirmed that the Count of Syracuse has had an allegorical medal struck, already reproduced photography at Florence,—representing the union of Naples with Pied mont upon the altar of the country, over which is raised the statue of Italy. A decree has been signed at Naples, commuting the sentence pronounced upon about sixty political prisoners, from imprisonment to perpetual exile. Among the prisoners are many distinguished and even illustrious names, and they are given to understand that the original sentence will be executed if they ever return to the kingdom.

The Opinione states, that it was known from despatches of the 13th, that the King had received extreme unction and taken leave of his family, in order to give his whole attention to his soul during the few hours of life remaining to him.

51111111.—The Prince of Moldo-Wallachia, late Colonel Couza, has not found his princely seat very easy. He has been obliged to dismiss two of his Ministers, Nicholas Golasco and Bratiano, because these gentlemen,

members of the Ultra-Liberal Party, assumed much power to them- selves, and sought to carry out their own projects. Instead therefore of having a Ministry composed of men of all shades of Liberals, Couza has been forced to rely upon the Moderate men. There was also a plot to assassinate Cerise, but it had no connexion with the deposed Ministers. A despatch from Bucharest gives the names of the new Walachian Ministry as follows—President of Council and Minister of Finance, M. Negri ; Interior, M. Kretzulesco ; Public Instruction, M. Falcojano; and Justice, M. Cantacuzene.

Suttia.—The Bombay mail of the 26th March reached London on Thursday. The news relates, almost entirely, to the recent financial proceedings of Lord Canning. It was on the 12th March that ho went down to the Council and handed in the bill augmenting the tariff in rep, speet of many articles both of export and import. Salt, opium, and time ber from the Burman provinces were specially exempted, and the duty on cotton, thread, twist, yarn was only increased from 3,f, to 6 per cent. By clause 4 of the bill, persons who had made contracts were empowered to add the duty to the price agreed upon for the goods under contract. Lord Canning made a long speech to the Council in the course of which he said the measure was adopted to provide means for paying the intereM on the late loans.

" He declared that the duty of 20 per cent levied on tea, coffee, haber- dashery, millinery, hosiery, tobacco, spices, grocery, confectionary, oilmen' stores, provisions, ham, clime, perfumery, jewellery, plate, porter, ale,, beer, and other fermented liquors, and on wines and spirits, was a duty art. articles of luxury, not on necessaries of life ; that the double duty of 10 per cent was confined to articles that were not articles of luxury, and that

in the case of cottonyarns the low duty of per cent was imposed, becauseit was a half-manufactured article, tending to promote native industry.

With reference to the export duties, he justified them by the hope that the exports would not be affected to any appreciable extent. Tobacco tree to

be free, because it was intended at a future time to burden it with an Exciseduty. 'Re considered that an increase of ninety-five lace of rupees would be brought into the treasury by the new tariff. Lord Canning the pre-. ceeded to justify the immediate imposition of the duties, which, be said. !Ido proposed to effect by suspending the standing orders, so as to allow the Bill to pass and become law in one day. He said he was aware that the change. would interfere with the operations of the trading class; but it was belles" for all classes that there should be no interval between the es boo f Bill mad Its action. He said this was the rule in Ensainid, though Me tams of procedure were different. Then, passing on to that portion of the subject which referred to contracts to arrive—a subject specially alluded to in the 4th clause of the premable, he stated that to save all hardships it bad been determined to give the contractor a faculty of charging the buyer with the enhanced duty on arrival." Mr. E. Currie and Sir J. Colville protested against the summary pro- ceeding proposed ; the Council refused to pass the measure, but allowed at to be enforced by enacting a Bill of Indemnity to the Commissioners of Customs. On the 14th the debate was resumed. The members of Council had by that time yielded and made no op- position. The public outside were not slow to express their dissatis- faction. The Chambers of Commerce at Calcutta and Bombay met and protested against it, and drew up resolutions of a character not only hostile to the measure but to the mode in which it had been car- ried. At Bombay, on the 14th, when the merchants found themselves suddenly liable to enhanced duties, they appealed to Lord Elphinstone to suspend the new duties pending a reference to Calcutta ; but while he sympathized with the commercial men, Lord Elphinstone told them that he had no option, his orders were imperative. Nevertheless he begged Lord Canning to permit goods already shipped to pay the old duties. Lord Canning declined to do so. At a meeting held on the 22d the policy of the Government was denounced as a violation of free-trade.

The military news is of little importance. Nothing definitive has hap- pened to Tantia Topee or Feroze Shah ; but several minor chiefs have surrendered. In Nepaul, it seems, there is an affluence of rebels. The Government there has done nothing. The Begum is even said to be at Eatmando. Our troops in the Terrai were beginning to suffer.

A petty plot has been discovered at Lahore. The Sikh regiments are to be reduced to 600 men.

Mr. Peacock has been appointed Chief Justice at Calcutta, and Sir Robert Hamilton goes into the Council in the place of Mr Montgomery, who is now Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. Colonel Lawrence, agent of the Governor-General in Rajpootana, goes home on sick leave, and is succeeded by Major Eden, agent at Jeypore.

Colonel Davidson narrowly escaped being killed in the durbar at Hy- derabad a few days ago, a fanatic Arab having fired at him, but happily with a bad aim. The miscreant was caught and instantly killed.

The Nawab of Furruckabad had been sentenced to death, and another great criminal, Lonee Sing, of Mitowlie, in Oude, convicted of having surrendered the Orrs to the Lucknow rebels, has been sentenced to trans- portation for life.

R fir Sifitf5.—The Niagara arrived at Liverpool on Monday with advices from New York to the 7th April.

The journals represent the Government as much moved by the pro- ceedings of Sir Gore Ouseley and M. Belly in Central America, which, it is assumed, are adverse to American interests. Letters from Washing- ton state that despatches had been sent to General Lamar, instructing him " to demand from Nicaragua an apology, restitution, and indemnity, on a failure to comply with which he is to ask for his passports." The home squadron was to be strengthened, and the commodore was to act up to the order of General Lamar. Similar instructions had been sent to the Pacific squadron. Considerable activity existed in the naval yards, and ton vessels—the Lancaster, Hartford, San Jacinto, Constella- tion, John Adams, Levant, Portsmouth, Mohican, Wyoming, and Nar- raganset—had been ordered to be prepared for sea immediately. A telegraph to Boston states that these vessels were not being prepared with special reference to the events in Nicaragua, but to relieve the home and Pacific squadrons.

When the steamer departed the trial of Mr. Sickles had begun ; but only eight jurymen had been obtained in two days ; the vast majority summoned averring that they could not sit on the jury because they were in favour of an acquittal of the accused.

The elections, so far as they had gone, were very favourable to the Republican party ; even Connecticut had carried the whole republican ticket.