No news whatever has been received this week from Bulgaria
or any of the European capitals, in reference to the Continental situation. The latest rumour is that Russia has submitted three names to Constantinople as candidates for the Throne of Bulgaria, and has made "important propositions ;" but there appears to be nothing in the story. The Russian Government is, in fact, waiting for events, and all the other Powers are waiting for the Russian Government. In Berlin and Vienna, men are said to believe that the Ameer of Afghanistan will shortly be overthrown, that Russia will then invade, that Great Britain will then declare war on Russia, and that then the rest of the world will be very comfortable; but this view, which actually affected Austrian Rentes, rests on a slender basis. There is disturbance in Afghanistan, and according to the latest news, the Ghilzaies have defeated five thousand of the Ameer's troops in the neighbourhood of Ghnzni. That, if trne, would be important, because Asiatic Sovereigns cannot afford to lose considerable battles ; but it is just as likely that the affair was only a skirmish. Abdurrahman Khan is said to be anxious, and it is true that he is in ill-health ; but there is a fluid of energy in him yet, as the Ghilzaies will probably discover.