Diaresoana, Exc.—The City of London Directory for 1887 (W. H.
and L. Collingridge), besides the usual information given in publi- cations of this kind, supplies a "Livery Companies' Guide," which will be found interesting. Here are some of the incomes :—Gold- smiths, 259,112 ; Merchant Taylors, £27,067; Mercers, £77,143; Grocers, £32,236. The Mercers' Livery consists of 107 persons (only voters for the City being included in this number), and these 107 have forty names among them, there being fourteen Watneys, ten Smiths, eight Fairness, seven Collyers, six Hodsons and as many Buttons, and five Blakesleys. We observe that the late Dean of Lincoln (who died two years ago) appears in the list of assist- ante.—Shelley and Co.'s Complete Press Directory (Shelley and Co.) describes itself as a "full and impartial guide to the Press of the United Kingdom." It gives lists of newspapers, arranged first alphabetically, then according to towns, various particulars as to population, trade, manufactures, &a., being supplied under- the head of each town. Finally comes a list of magazines and reviews published in town and country.—The Catholic Year- Book, 1886, edited by John Oldeastle (Burns and Oates), is a record of events interesting to the Roman Catholic, Communion which occurred in 1886.—The Playgoer's Porkot.Bsekc an Illustrated _Record of the Dramatic Year, 1886. (J. and R. Maxwell.)—A B Guide to the Civil Service, by 7. Morrie Catton (Swan Sonnensohein and Co.), gives an account of all appointments held in the Civil Service both at home and abroad, the emoluments, and the examina- tions, nominations, ,ho., by which they are obtained.—lierdett's Official Intelligence for 1887, by Henry C. Burdett (Spottiewoode and' Co., and Effingham Wilson), "a carefully revised précis of information regarding all British, American, and Foreign Securities." There must be between four and five thousand various securities enumerated in the alphabetical index. A variety of information is added relating to "Taxation, Finance, and Legialation."—With this may be men- tioned Mathieson'e Yade-Mecum for Investors (Fred. O. Mathieson and Son), a volume containing ample information on all kinds of invest- ments; and Trustees' Guide to Investments, by A. L. Ellis (Reeves and Turner). The position of a trustee is always thankless, and sometimes perilous, and Mr. Ellis is doing good service when he puts out this handy little book of caution and direction.