There has been a fair supply of Wheat and Flour since Monday, and the trade, which 1vas full 4s. per quarter cheaper on Wednesday, rather rallied to-day, and though there 1, as no great deal of business doing, the Market is not much lower than on Monday. honey, Beans, and Peas sell on much the same terms c but Oats meet a dull sale, and tune a trifle cheaper. In other articles no variation worth notice.
Return Price of Grain On board skip, as under i-
s. S 5. S S. S.
Wheat,EssexRed,50 to 56 Malt,. ..... 36 to 13 Ticks, old,.
Fine,. offi — 70 Fine, . 64 — 66 Oats, Feed, 22 to 24
White, . — 68 Peas, ... —41) 25 — 26 Fine . 74 — 76 Maple, .. ..... 42 —42 Potato's, 22 — 25 Superfine, 76 —78 Peas, White, .... 45 —50 Fine,.......... 26 — Rye,... 30 — 34 Boilers, ..... 30 — 36 Potato, 28 30 Barley ....... 30 — 31; Beans, small, .... 42 45 Fine, 30 — 32 Fine :36 — Ticks, new, 18 — 43 GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of BRITISH CORN,
For the Week eliding Ace. 8, 1528, made up from the Returns of the Inspectors in the Maritime Cities and Towns in England and Wales.
Wheat, .. 60s. 3d. I Oa's 22s.Sd. Beans, 38s. 7d.
Barley, 10 I Rye, ...... :st I I Peas, ..... . 41 4
Barley,— 31 1 1 Rye ......... 6 peas, , ao 10 57s. Od. j Oats, . 21s. 9.1. I Deans, . '17s. 9d. Enalish—Wheat, 6150 qrs.
Barley, . 1770 Malt, 1255 Oats,. 5014 Rye,... ...... . 131
Beans, -50
Peas, 549 'f arcs, — English—Rape,.. '23 qrs.
Brank, Blustard,.
Seeds, ...... 70 Flour, 3sStl sks. Foreiso—Wheat, 1235 qrs.
Barley, . Oats, 99f; 16, both inclusive. Foreign—Beans,. 336 qrs. Peas, — Linseed, . 5856 Seeds, . 93 Flour, 600hrls. Irish—Wheat, .. 6 qrs. Oats, ........... 1521
Flour, ,S3sks. GRAIN arrived from A VGVST II, to AUG usr ITIT FIELD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22.
This morning's market is not lively, find generally lower than on Monday last. Beet' goes off very slowly at -Is. Id. per stone for the best qualities, and many good beasts arc dull in sale at depressed prices. .Mutt'on maintains Monday's tennis with difliculty, and Lamb hrs gone down 2d per stone. Veal has also given away 4d. the supply being large, and the sales very heavy. Pork, however, has again ad- vanced 4d. the best pigs realizing 6s. To sink the offal—per stone of Sibs.
Beef ........ 3s. Id. to 4s. 4d. to 4s. Gd.I Veal .. 3s. Id. to ‘is. Gd. to Is. 4d.
Mutton.— 3s. 8d. to 4s. Od. to -Is. 8(1. Pork 4s. Oti. to Is. Od. to 6s. Od.
Lamb, 4s. Mi. to 4s. 4d. to 4s 10d.
Head of Cattle this day. 1 Beasts, 591 I Sheep, 9,s110 1 Calves, 335 Pigs, 130 Head of Cattle on Monday.. 1 Beasts, I Sheep, 27,5aill I Calves, 228 Pigs, 150 NEWGATE and LEADENII A 1.1,—By the Carcase.
Beef, 2s. ed. to ed. I Veal, .. 3s. 43. to 4s. 8d. Btf' ton,... .41s. 0(1. to 4s. thl. 1 4s. Od. to Gs. Od. Lamb, as. 4d. to 4s. 53.
PRICES OF Kent Pockets ..... 31.
Sussex Pockets .. 31.
Essex Pockets . 31.
Farnham, tine 51. 12s. to II.
Kent Bags 21.
Sussex Bags.... 2i.
Essex Bags . ....... 21. HOPS, Arc usrr 22.
35. to 31. 16,. to II. 10s. per cwt.
Os. to :31. 8s. to 31. I8s. Os. to 31. 12s. to 41. 4s.
10s.—Seconds.. 41. 10s. to 61. Os. 14s. to :31. Is. to lb Os. per cwt.
10s. to 31. Os. to 31. 10s. 12s. to :31. 3s. to :11. has.
Slump lm Fr ct.n.—Hay, 90:4.0(1. to 95s.—Inferior and new, 65s. to 8:5s.—Clover, 100s. Od. —Old 110s.—Inferior and new, 89s. to 95s.—Straw, 34s. to 40s.
Witrrzt:11.yr, EL.—Clover, bOs. to 112s.—Hay, 70s. to 95s.—Straw, 32s. to 38s.
Sr. JAMES'S.—Superior and prime Upland Meadow Hay, from 75s. to 96s.—In- ferior ditto and coarse Lowland Hay, —s. to —s. ; new 30s. to 84s.—Clover, 80s. to 112s.; new, —s. to —s.—Wheat Straw, atis. to 45s.—Oat, 36s. to 39s.— Barley,—s. to —s.—Rye, 49s.; per load of 36 trusses.—Good supply, and trade dull at a trifling reduction in the prices of Old Hay.
COAL MARKET, Auousx 20.
Ships at Market. Ships sold. Prices. 43 Newcastle.... ......... 27i ...... ....... 29s. Od. to 37s. ffil.
6 Sunderland 54 ..... ......... 30s. Od. to 3115. 3d• Monthly delivery of Coals.
Coals,117,319; Small ditto, 47&'j Clademi MI Cully, 0621,