23 AUGUST 1884, Page 3

The case of George Ralph, who died of cholera on

Monday evening at Birmingham, having been first seized with the attack on Friday week, has spread some dismay in that town. It is a great question whether the cholera was of the Asiatic type, though the blackening of one of the hands by extravasated blood was snpposed to indicate a certain virulence in the seizure. The Birmingham doctors, however, believe that it was only a severe case of English cholera, of which there are usually fatal cases in a hot summer in most densely-populated towns. In all pro- bability this is such a case ; but whether it be English or Asiatic cholera, and whether it be followed by other similar cases or not, we hope that there may be no disgraceful panics,—no flights from duty,—in England. In France, on the whole, the cholera is abating, though it has, it is said, got a hold of Lyons, and is spreading some alarm in Italy, where the cases are tolerably numerous.