dl SPECTATOR CROSSWORD No. 954 4 14 Did these old
craftsmen have a cushy job? (10)
of 16 A measure of glue (4).
l'ef 26 Scottish hills in Nor' Arctic (9). fri 12 Do shut up! (8) 27 His is a moving role on the stage (5-7). la Machines for producing drinks (4). 19 Not necessarily forty winks, it is understood (10).
22 It's wrong to hesitate ere you sound the alarm (6). 2S It's usually good up to this point (2, 3). 11 Whereabouts of A.K. Saul is a capital place (6). 1 Have a look at the cards if you want one of 7 (12).
9 Dressed up but so bored (5).
1 at seven' (Browning) (8).
Diana gets back a certificate for a flower (9). ACROSS 13 Characteristic of the Smiths of America? (10) 23 'We have done but greenly In hugger-mugger to
24 This regiment would have seemed very numerous 15 Distinction in US if I get a hundred! (9) 17 The reckoning's excessive, no wonder I'm 20 The townsman Ronald has a yellow look (6). 10 All the same, it may be rated in horse-power 7 One requires room for these pastimes (7-5).
3 'Singest of summer in full-throated - 4 Una with a penny falling into the mud-no 2 He's on the way to being a deadhead (8).
5 An official but not a railway (6).
6 Genesis or the way out (9).
1 Points out the view, perhaps (5).
to an old Roman (4). (8-6).
gloomy (8). (Keats) (4).
wonder (10).
him' (Shakespeare) (5). DOWN
4 Two or. will be awarded: • copy of the De Luxe tattoo of Chambent'a Twentieth Century Dictionaryao4 a bock Whoa for one ieines. They um he awarded to the seeders of the twat two correct opened after noon *a Septeusbee 3 110■116414111011,11: 01011111W4111 No. 964, 99 Gavel St., London, W".
Chambers's brained' Cenney Thoiotary, Nor Yesska, k ii•comaleaded f.e Cromarreis.
Solution on September 6 Solution to No. 952 on page 269
The winners of Crossword No. 952 are: Ms. W. D. WOMERSLEY, Westwidc Holt. Oakinnion, Cambs.. owl Myst. A. ALD111100E, 'Roo-Lie,' Court Road, Breseliworth,