in aaditien to the particulars of the Canadian insurrection, given
in raw, secuial page, we have mei% ea from Liverpool the following, ex- in aaditien to the particulars of the Canadian insurrection, given in raw, secuial page, we have mei% ea from Liverpool the following, ex-
:erzed from an American new spaper, published at Burlington in rforrnont.
" The Patriot feree at St. Charles is 4,000 men ; at St. Denis 1,500, with aerp:i-itions of men and ammunition. T. S. Brown commamis the Pat riot forces. In the St. Denis engagement, the Loyalists lost fifty killed and -.squalled, the Patriots only seven. The Loyalists left behind them thirteen turn pieces of cannon, and a considerable quantity of ammunition." A meeting has been held at C'hureliville, Toronto District, Upper Canada, virtu Illy declared independer.ce, and reported a constitution for what